This is the default styling for the "Right" position. There is also a "Left" position and many others; be sure to read the full description.
Dynamic Titles
To use a dynamic title simply enter any hex color code along with your title into any widgets "Dynamic Title" field in the widget admin area as shown:
#F0F0F0 Hot
#FF0032 Find
#030303 Info
#000000 Popular
You must enter the suffix exactly as shown with a space after the color and no dashes.
For the default background image, use "none" in place of the color, or just use a single space before the word.
#F0F0F0 Hot
#FF0032 Find
#030303 Info
#000000 Popular
You must enter the suffix exactly as shown with a space after the color and no dashes.
For the default background image, use "none" in place of the color, or just use a single space before the word.
Dynamic Color
The "Dynamic Titles" feature has been altered in this release; instead of adding a colored "bubble" with additional text, you can change the background color of widget titles.
To use a dynamic color for a widget title, simply enter any hex color code into the "Dynamic Title" field on the admin side of your widget: