Outsourced Fleet Management(OFM)


The concept of allowing a specialist Fleet Management Company (FMC) to take over the daily Operational Management of a Corporate Fleet is not new. This has been done for many years where fleet size and volume do not justify a Fleet Manager.

With the COVID 19 effect on Operations and ROI, it is a good alternative to select an FMC that can find the optimum solution for your fleet. With experts in Fleet Management taking care of all aspects, the savings will be significant.

We use the FleetDomain Online System a Fleet Management Information System (FMIS) that is web-based.


All aspects of:

Vehicle Selection, Procurement/Ordering and Delivery, Finance, Depreciation,
Maintenance/Tyre costs, Fuel, Insurance, GPS/Tracing information,
Fines Management and Driver behaviours are consolidated into reports on one system.

Reports are generated that highlights risk and cost areas. These are discussed with management and actions are tabled for implementation.

By allowing an FMC, who have experience in managing and operating a fleet from cradle to grave, the efficiencies and operational savings far outweigh the retained in-house costs.

Kindly contact us to discuss the various options.

The Fleet Cycle from “Vehicle Selection to eventual Remarketing” of the asset is all covered.


Best practices and International methodologies are applied to select the correct Brand and Model for fleet usage. This is based on the application allowing for best Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) principles, resulting in the best Cents per Kilometre (CPK) usage factors.



The FMC will source vehicles from selected national Dealer network vendors that will ensure the best fair price possible. The FMC manages the entire process from ordering through to delivery.



The FMC will work and support the funding option selected by the Corporate Fleet Owner. The FMC can also advise and present alternative funding options should the Fleet Owner wish to explore alternatives.


Operational Fleet Management

The FMC will manage the maintenance processes making use of agreed to selected national vendors. These are selected by applying international standards and delivery expectations. We can make use of the following vendors by agreement:

  1. Fuel cards as supplied by the major banks.
  2. Outsourced Managed Maintenance cards issued by corporate independents
  3. Vendors that combines Fuel with Maintenance authorizations
  4. Any Electronic format of managing maintenance in use by a corporate fleet owner



The FMC making use of a purpose-built Fleet Management Information System (FMIS) application can marry the behaviour of a Driver, to best performance and cost savings. This results in an improved Safety and Risk outcome for the corporate fleet owner.

The FMIS does not replicate the information that the GPS/Tracking vendor supply.

We take the top Fleet Management influencers and relate them to the operational cost drivers, flagged by the GPS/Tracking device and marry the outcomes.

The reports generated ring-fences the areas of concern that can then be highlighted for change and cost improvements.

Reports are individually designed to corporate fleet owner requirements.


Replacement Planning

By tracking and flagging the policy requirements of Time/ageing and kilometre usage limits; Vehicle replacements, Capex requirements and in time Procurement can be planned for. This alleviates downtime and unnecessarily increased costs.



The FMIS will advise on replacements and which vehicles need to be disposed of. The FMC has secured the services of national companies that will assist in evaluating the condition of vehicles, set benchmark pricing, collect and sell at best possible price. The risk of vehicles being sold at too low values is totally mitigated.

Payments and re-registration are guaranteed by the service providers.


Fines Management

By managing Driver fines and unacceptable behaviours that increases costs and down time effectively, the Safety and Risk profiles are improved.

With AARTO looming as a real possibility it is going to become vitally important for Fleet Owners to understand the “Demerit” value and situation of every driver in the company. This will equally apply to drivers for Company Vehicles as well as those who receive a Car Allowance.


License Renewals

Vehicle and Driver licence renewals are managed with that of COF’s and PrDP’s


Accident Management

The value added product of Accident Management and related costs can be incorporated into the FMIS. The reason for the accident and subsequent report analysis will enable the fleet owner to take action and improve driver behaviour


Driver Training

The FMIS reports and outcomes will clearly indicate which of the drivers may require training. Medical conditions, eyesight and licence renewal forms part of the actions to be taken.

We have been in the Fleet Management arena for 35 years and would appreciate the opportunity to meet and discuss possibilities that will improve the corporate safety and risk profiles as well as a positive cost outcome.

Should you wish to discuss the options available kindly contact us.

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